A while ago, we created an easy-to-understand guide to VueJS and Vuex and explained why this progressive JavaScript framework is forecasted to take the front-end development community by a storm.
Without any doubt, there are some solid reasons why VueJS has been used for app development by many global companies such as Grammarly, 9GAG, Nintendo, WizzAir, Buzzfeed, and others. From simple state management and excellent workflows to saving time and actually enjoying the coding experience, VueJS is simply amazing.
However, VueJS has been battling for a headliner spot with ReactJS for quite some time. That shouldn’t surprise us given the fact that ReactJS has built its reputation as an incredibly useful JavaScript library for building user interfaces (see how ReactJS compares to Angular).
So, which one should you use? Is the ‘ReactJS vs VueJS’ debate a matter of which one’s better or are the two equally useful in their own respected ecosystems? Read more about this in today’s Share IT blog post.
In order to fully understand the struggle of choosing either framework over the other one, we first have to take a look at the similarities.
Both ReactJS and VueJS are very efficient because they are based on the virtual DOM. They facilitate code reuse, enable component-based development of the user interface, simplify state management, and can be used for coding high performing, powerful apps. Both work with the root library and transfer additional tasks to other libraries.
In a nutshell, ReactJS and VueJS are both in high demand because they both make the development process a lot easier.
Now, let’s look at the differences and plunge into the ‘ReactJS vs VueJS’ discussion deeper.
Whenever someone mentions VueJS, the first pro that comes up is the size. VueJs has an incredbily small file size (~30KB) and its applications are very lightweight. Because of this and the fact that it’s so easy to learn and use, VueJS is great for single-page applications.
VueJs design is overall simple, it has an adaptable architecture, and it allows developers to change values without much hassle. Thanks to the templates available in VueJS and its structure, developers can save a lot of time and spot potential errors much easier. Besides, VueJS offers optimized re-rendering, which is arguably the most loved feature of this framework.
VueJS has a rich documentation and a well developed community, which is definitely another plus.
Compared to ReactJS, VueJS has a smaller market share. It also can make mistakes during data reading due to the fact that it rerenders those parts of data that were triggered. All in all, VueJS is not the best framework for developing complex, large-scale applications. Although VueJS does use a component structure and reusable code, templates make restructuring of an app rather complicated.
ReactJS has a great reputation for being a framework that’s very flexible and adjustable. Its syntax is known as JavaScript XML (JSX) and it uses a component structure, which makes the coding experience pretty straightforward.
Because of the code reusability, ReactJS enables fast turnarounds and more iterations, which ultimately results in faster time to market. Wider API options is another advantage of this framework, as well as the ability to restructure the app later on if necessary.
On top of everything, ReactJS ensures fast rendering, provides great code stability, high app performance, and is great for laying down the groundwork for SEO from a technical standpoint. React Native is used for mobile development and over 62% of developers simply love it.
On the downside, ReactJS takes a bit more time to master. The setup process is more complex, and so are this framework’s functions and structure. Plus, because ReactJS continuously evolves, it might be challenging for junior developers to keep up with the pace and code without a stable documentation in place.
At the moment of writing this article, ReactJS has over 149K stars and 28.9K forks on GitHub while VueJS has 164K stars and 24.9K forks.
According to the above-mentioned survey, the biggest percentage of ReactJS developers earn between $50-100K per year and the situation is pretty much the same with VueJS developers.
It’s important to underline that popularity doesn’t necessarily indicate the usability and quality of each of the framework. Still, it’s interesting to explore how the community feels about the ReactJS vs VueJS debate and learn about their preferences. In most of the criteria, ReactJS ranks number one, but VueJS is right behind.
As you can see, there are some pretty amazing advantages to both ReactJS and VueJS. So, how do you choose?
Here comes the unpopular answer: it depends on each specific project.
VueJS may be a better choice if you need to create simple and fast web apps, especially if they are template based. It has a simpler syntax than ReactJS and has proven to be slightly better in terms of integration options and adaptability.
On the other hand, ReactJS gives developers additional flexibility, especially when it comes to working on complex and large apps. Its environment makes testing a bit easier and some say ReactJS is backed with better technical support.
If you’re looking to develop an app, but are not sure what’s the best choice for your business case, send us an email to get a cost and time estimation. Worry not: Share IT’s talented team will provide the best recommendations based on your project requirements.